Company of cleansing in L'Hospitalet Communities and Offices

Verdemar Cleansing is a company situated in the Baix Llobregat very near of L'Hospitalet that loans professional services of cleansing maintaining an excellent relation quality-price.
If you look for a company of cleansing for an office in L'Hospitalet definitely Verdemar Cleansing is the solucíón.
Tambien Offer our services of cleansing in communities of L'Hospitalet 

Verdemar, offers you seriousness to the most adjusted price of the market.

Inform you:
VERDEMAR Cleansing  
Jaume Casanovas, 148-152 – 08820 THE PRAT LLOBREGAT – ·
Tlf. 93 478 01 24 · 648 15 45 19 - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat