6 Councils for a cleansing of community of neighbours

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6 Consejos para una limpieza de comunidad de vecinos

 The communities of neighbours are spaces of a lot of traffic. Entrance, landings, corridors, elevators, garages…are zones to have very in account, because of the accumulation of dirt that bring his inhabitants of the street. In Verdemar, specialist in cleansing of community of neighbours, share some tricks to maintain these flawless spaces:

1. Warn and remember to the community the schedules of cleansing

It is important that the inhabitants of the community of neighbours have visible access to a plan of cleansing. Of this form, the inhabitants will attain to adapt to the habits of cleansing and maintenance. In these notices, can remember of clear form the recommendations and prohibitions to respect the cleansing of the professionals.

2. Remove the powder once a week

In a community of neighbours exist elements where accrues a lot of powder. Extinguishers, plants, decorative objects and windows of stairs owe to be controlled.

3. Elevators

Another important element to maintain clean the community are the elevators. It is important to clean and disinfect the soils, crystals, buttons and the inner and external door. Also it is necessary to remove the powder accrued in the focuses with a feather duster.

4. Application of products

- For a suitable cleansing in a community of neighbours it is necessary to be accurate to the hour to use some products.

- It is necessary to use specific products to clean the stainless steel of the doors so that the result was optimum.

. Use the ambientador with all the doors and enclosed windows.

- In case that the soil was wooden, is interesting to use specific products like soaps or waxes that contribute shine.

- Products desinfectantes for the rails and zones where spend the hand. 

5. Cleansing of Garage

The cleansing of a community of neighbours also involves to loan attention to the garage. It is a zone complicated, because it accrues the dirt that bring the cars of the street.
These zones have to sweep also once a week. It is necessary to use brushes of barrendero to maintain a clean garage.
Each four months, is recommended a cleansing with machines fregadores and products desengrasantes so that the result was perfect.
Finally, have to make works of control of plagues to avert another type of visitors in this zone so concurrida.

6. Cleansing of stairs

It is necessary to stand out the cleansing of stairs in a community of neighbours. It is a place in passing very frecuentado and in some occasions are exposed directly to the street, by what the meteorology can influence his state.

The first action of this zone is to remove the powder with an aspirador (in case to have moqueta) or a mopa traps-powder to collect all the dirt of an alone past. Another important appearance, is to clean from above downwards.
The second usual step is to wash. It is important that make this task in hours where the traffic was less frequent to avert footprints and accidents. In this action, it is necessary to follow with the technician of “up-down”.

Finally, it is necessary to take the rails, since usually the inhabitants spend the hand by her.

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