6 simple tricks to clean the cookery

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6 trucos sencillos para limpiar la cocina

To clean the cookery is not necessary to invest big quantities of money neither time. It suffices with knowing choose the suitable products for each concrete case

If there is a zone in the house that litters more than the other that is, beyond all doubt, the cookery.

The fat that generates when cooking is one of the main problems that can find you to the hour to tune this part of the house.

You do not doubt it and it notes these simple tricks to clean your cookery. They will be a great help!

1. Clean the encimera

The encimeras are one of the most susceptible zones to mark .

They are done of diverse materials, by what is important to ensure that it purchases a suitable product that will not damage this zone of the cookery. For this is fundamental to read the composition of the same.

For example, in the case that your encimera was of marble, can clean it and that remain impoluta of the following form:


· 1 glass of alcohol of 70º or water oxigenada (200 ml)
· The juice of 1 lemon
· Warm water (catindad necessary)

What have to do

It mixes the alcohol or the water oxigenada with lemon and the quantity that need of warm water. You will see as, if you rub a poquito, are able to take big shine to this zone.

Complete news and more information in: https://mejorconsalud.com/6-trucos-sencillos-para-limpiar-la-cocina/

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